Describes the health insurance plan available for students in the Montana University System.

Although the Student 健康 Center provides excellent outpatient care, all students are required to carry health insurance in the event of an accident or major illness. Montana Tech provides student health insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Company, 完整的信息可以在 蓝十字蓝盾网站. The Student Fee 评估 includes the Blue Cross Blue Shield Student Insurance.

The Insurance Plan is designed to cover major medical expense including but not limited to hospitalizations, 门诊手术, 处方, 以及紧急服务. 它不包括视力或牙齿.


Students may also choose to carry health insurance under a different company. If a student does not waive the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana student insurance, 他们将被收取学生保险计划的费用.

注意: Students in 远程学习 programs are not eligible for the student insurance.


如果您有任何疑问,请联系学生生活办公室 406-496-4477

日期 学生的速度 人体自燃的费用 总计
8/1/2024 to 1/31/2025 $2,192.00 $10 $2,202.00


If you are a fee-paying student enrolled for 6 or more state supported or self-supported credits at Montana Tech, 你有资格投保. 你必须在第十五个上课日结束前投保.

Students in 远程学习 programs are not eligible for the student insurance plan.

保险将于8/1(秋季)和2/1(春季)开始。, provided that payment is made as required within the enrollment period.


The student has until the 15th class day of each semester (Fall and Spring) to either enroll or waive the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana Student Insurance Plan.

The student will not be allowed to enroll in the Student Insurance after the 15th class day unless proof is furnished that the student was dropped from their other insurance coverage during the 30 days immediately preceding the date of the request to join the Student Insurance Plan. In such cases, the cost will be the same as the beginning of the semester. 保险费不会按比例计算.


If you are graduating or leaving Montana Tech and are currently enrolled in the student Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance plan, 你的保险将终止. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院只为注册学生赞助一个项目. It is up to you to find another source of insurance for you and your family if they were on the student insurance plan.

Tips For Finding Another Plan Write out a list of questions to ask of the insurance plan you are looking at.

  • 询问你的免赔额选项是什么,以及它们如何影响你的成本.
  • 找出哪些是被覆盖的,哪些没有被覆盖.
  • Check to see how your benefits change if you go out of town, state or country.
  • Ask if the insurance company has a website that you can look at the entire policy on.
  • 咨询一下你的汽车保险公司,看看他们是否提供医疗计划.
  • Ask your friends and family who their insurance provider is and how they feel about them.

不要害怕多问一次问题. If something is said that you don't understand, ask the question again until you do understand. 这是你的保险和钱.


The Insurance Policy at Montana Tech states that all students enrolled for 6 or more state-supported or self-supported credit(s) are eligible for the student insurance plan. Students in 远程学习 programs are not eligible for the student insurance plan.

注意: 持有非移民签证(F、J等)的国际学生) must provide written proof of insurance to the 学生生活 Office (by the 15th class day in order to waive insurance.


  1. Students who have other health insurance coverage may drop the Blue Cross Blue Shield plan and fee by electronic waiver when accepting their bill online each semester.
  2. 弃权书在本学期内有效.
  3. 豁免书须于缴费前完成


持有非移民签证(F、J等)的国际学生.) are required to have and to maintain major medical insurance while residing in the United States.